If you want to add a 3-season sunroom to your home, then you can design this extension yourself. However, you can also ask sunroom installation companies to help with the planning process. What are the advantages of getting a professional design?
Find the Right Place For Your Sunroom
You might be able to build your sunroom in a couple of places around your home. For example, you might be able to enclose a porch at the front of your home or a patio at the rear.
The location of your sunroom matters. It affects how well the room will work for you and how much time you can comfortably use it during the year.
A designer will assess potential locations and tell you how well—or how poorly—a sunroom will work in each place. They will help you find the spot with the best light and sun exposure so that you don't put the room somewhere that is too dark or cold.
This advice helps you build a sunroom that really will work across three seasons. You'll maximize your use of the space.
Get Advice on Materials
3-season sunrooms are typically cheaper to build than 4-season options. You use fewer and less expensive materials.
However, the materials you choose affect how you can use the room. If you make the wrong decisions here, then you might not be able to use the room as much as you intended. Sometimes, small upgrades can be useful.
A designer can talk you through material options. They will explain how materials affect the strength, insulation, and light in the room.
They can spot areas where you might need to upgrade the materials you use. For example, they might recommend using double-pane glass or a vinyl frame for extra insulation if your room isn't ideally positioned to maximize sun capture.
Stick to Budget
If you have a budget for your build, then you need to ensure that you stay within your costs. This is harder if you design your sunroom.
You might be able to estimate material costs but you'll find it harder to predict construction costs. You might not spot problems that could cost more to fix during the build. You might actually underspend, leaving you with cash that you could have used on upgrades.
If you ask a sunroom building company to help with your design, then you get a more accurate view of the build. You can make changes to your plans if your design comes over or under budget. You'll get the best sunroom for the money you have to spend.
To get started, contact 3-season sunroom design/installation contractors in your area such as Timberbuilt Rooms.
Share15 March 2023
When I moved into my current place, I was concerned about the size of my master bedroom. I was worried this small space wouldn’t fit my bedroom furniture. Unfortunately, I was correct. After sleeping in this bedroom for eleven years, I decided to make a huge change. I consulted with a reputable, remodeling contractor. I hired this professional to build a huge, master bedroom addition onto my home. I decided to turn my small bedroom into a comfortable guest room. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a remodeling contractor can improve the function of your home. Enjoy!